The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon
McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948-2013
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It is said that beauty runs skin deep, and as Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi survey the havoc wreaked by Violet Sephotho in her attempts to drive her rival's Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon out of business, they are forced to conclude that beneath her groomed exterior lies a wicked person. More happily, Mma Makutsi and her husband Phuti Radiphuti are expecting a baby. However, conflict is brewing between their relatives who believe in the old ways and those who favour a more relaxed parenting style. And there is the controversial question of the child's name, too. Mma Ramotswe needs all her tact and intuition to restore harmony and see that right prevails.
The Minor Adjustment Beauty Salon / by Alexander McCall Smith.
McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948-, authorAndoh, Adjoa, narrator
Oxford : ISIS Soundings, 2013.
8 CDs : digital, stereo
Compact Discs
Read by Adjoa Andoh.
9781445026428 (CDs)